We will promote activities to achieve the goals of the SDGs and realize a sustainable society.
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We will promote activities to achieve the goals of the SDGs and realize a sustainable society.

No poverty

We are building a factory in Vietnam to create a working environment and create employment.

Zero hunger

The factory offers a nutritionally balanced diet.

Good health and well-being

Health checkups are conducted twice a year, and nurses are stationed in the factory to manage health.

Quality education

We are actively conducting skill-up education.

Gender equality

Many of the female staff are in managerial positions.

Decent work and economic growth

We have introduced fair personnel policies and production salaries to create a rewarding workplace.

Industry, innovation, infrastructure

We provide technology in the garment industry, which is one of Vietnam’s core industries, and contribute to building a foundation.

Reduced inequalities

It contributes to the growth of ASEAN, a developing country.

Responsible consumption, production

We will make it after receiving your order for consumption. We started production without producing waste.